New Earth is a science fiction story that begins nearly 80 years into our future. It is told from the perspective of Xavier, an astronaut who is sent into space with a few others to find a suitable colony planet. Earth is experiencing a major population crisis and a food shortage when he leaves. He eventually returns to Earth over 100 years into the future, to find it completely destroyed from a nuclear war. Upon his arrival he is unaware of this, his ships navigation system has severely malfunctioned and he believes he is crashing his ship on an alien world. He is unprepared to find monstrous creatures roaming the surface of this planet. Xavier eventually meets Gwen who saves him from his first encounter with the other inhabitants of this ruined Earth. With practically no water left, they are forced to take a gamble on fixing Xavier’s ship and trying to reach Oanera 3, the planet Xavier and his crew were originally sent out to investigate. Gwen places all her hope in Xavier. Before his arrival she did not expect to last more than a few more months in her home. Leaving Earth is their only hope of survival but not everything goes as planned.